Parenting Teens:
From Survival to Thriving
Podcast: The Parent Toolbox
Episode Overview:
Parenting teens can feel like navigating a minefield, but Katie May offers guidance on how parents can support teens through emotional struggles, build open communication, and guide them through mental health challenges, including self-harm and suicidal thoughts.
- Strategies for understanding teens better
- Techniques to strengthen parent-teen relationships
- Tools for helping teens build resilience and thrive

Parenting a Teen Through
Depression and Self-Harm

Podcast: Brainy Moms
Episode Overview:
Katie May shares insights from her book You’re On Fire, It’s Fine: Effective Strategies for Parenting Teens with Self-Destructive Behaviors. She discusses how to communicate effectively with “fire feelers” (highly emotional teens) and why punitive measures can be counterproductive.
- Using language that supports rather than shames
- Sharing personal experiences mindfully
- Being a “good enough” parent rather than perfect
- Tips for connecting with teens in difficult times
Effective Strategies for Parenting Teens with Self-Destructive Behaviors
Podcast: One Day You’ll Thank Me
Episode Overview:
Katie discusses her approach to parenting teens who feel intense emotions and act out self-destructively, sharing methods from her book, You’re on Fire, It’s Fine.
- Helping teens manage and reduce self-destructive behaviors
- Teaching teens to cope more effectively
- Recognizing signs of destructive behavior
- Cultivating responsiveness as a parent

You're on Fire, It's Fine:
Decoding Teen Emotions

Podcast: The Teen Anxiety Maze
Episode Overview:
Katie May delves into the intense emotions some teens experience and how parents can respond with compassion. She also highlights Creative Healing’s approach of working with both teens and parents to foster healthier dynamics.
- Helping teens manage and reduce self-destructive behaviors
- Teaching teens to cope more effectively
- Recognizing signs of destructive behavior
- Cultivating responsiveness as a parent
Understanding and Supporting Teens with Self-Destructive Behaviors
Podcast: Raising Happy Teens
Episode Overview:
Katie shares her personal journey and professional insights on supporting teens struggling with self-destructive behaviors. She emphasizes the importance of creating a supportive environment for teens and validating their experiences.
- Building a supportive environment for teens
- Understanding self-destructive behaviors
- Encouraging help-seeking behavior in teens
- Strengthening parent-teen bonds with the "hierarchy of connection"

You're on Fire, It's Fine:
Effective Strategies for Parenting Teens
with Self Destructive Behaviors

Podcast: What Your Therapist Is Reading
Episode Overview:
In this episode of What Your Therapist Is Reading, Jessica Fowler is joined by Katie K. May, LPC, to discuss her book You're on Fire, It's Fine: Effective Strategies for Parenting Teens with Self-Destructive Behaviors.
- What it means to be an "emotionally sensitive" teen
- Self-destructive behaviors as coping mechanisms
- The importance of parental regulation
- Practical strategies for emotional regulation
- Building trust and communication
Creative Healing
with Katie K. May
Podcast: One Starfish
Episode Overview:
Katie K. May, LPC, owner and executive director of Creative Healing, is a national speaker and trainer specializing in therapy for teens with depression, self-harm, and suicidal thoughts.
As one of only eleven Linehan board-certified Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) clinicians in Pennsylvania, she’s an expert in this gold-standard treatment for life-threatening behaviors. Katie is committed to helping teens feel accepted for who they are while teaching them skills to build a life they love.

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